Oskar Holst

Welcome! :DThis carrd is dedicated to giving some basic information about my wol, Oskar Holst! You will most likely see a lot of Toshiyuki Shirogane as we have a shared cannon and he is played by my twin :) I started playing ffxiv in April 2022 and I am currently caught up with msq (up to patch 6.2).My playstyle is mostly casual, however I am beginning to do some extremes and other end game content. I love playing healers and one of my main goals is to become an omni-healer :)I plan to continue updating this carrd as times goes on but for right now feel free to learn more about Oskar by clicking the buttons below! :]

Basic Information
Oskar Holst
Viera - Veena
Nameday: 17th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon (4/16)
27 years old at the beginning of ARR
One of the Warriors of Light in a shared cannon with Toshiyuki Shirogane
Cannon Classes: WHM/SMN/SCH/RDM/SGE

Oskar is a rather soft spoken and patient man. Due to him being a kind and responsible big brother, he is more than willing to stop what he's doing in order to help others. Whether it's helping others understand hard concepts or being there to provide any type of assistance, he is happy to know that he is able to comfort his allies. Despite initially seemingly shy, Oskar is surprisingly charismatic and very open to meeting to new people.

Due to both his scholarly nature as well as his insatiable curiosity, he often finds himself asking endless questions and rambling about his interests for hours on end. Oskar often has a hard time managing a work-life balance, typically having his own mind to blame. Whenever he becomes curious or inquisitive, he often has a hard time focusing on other matters until he has his answer. However, this dedication also allows for Oskar to be a reliable and sought out ally as he is committed to seeing his deeds through to the very end.
Typically Oskar has a difficult time hiding his emotions, often having his tall ears be a dead giveaway for how he's truly feeling (thus making him a bad liar despite having a silver tongue). The viera is easily flustered and many like to tease him for this due to his adorable twitchy ears and nose. Oskar also has an excellent memory, allowing him to remember textbooks he read in his youth or his allies birthdays. He often finds himself making small gifts of gratitude for his allies ranging from making dinner for the entirety scions or making a elegant dress for Tataru.

Oskar grew up in the Skatay Range with his seven sisters and his mother. He grew up training as a dancer but struggled greatly to keep up with his sisters. Eventually on his thirteenth name day, he was sent to go live and learn alongside his father, Osmon. There he began to train as a conjuror and received an education seemingly higher than most others from the village. After snooping through some of his fathers books, he discovered some detail about a mysterious land known as Sharlyan. Before he could learn more, his father quickly put the books away and turned the boy's attention back to his education, yet his curiosity lingered on the mysterious Sharlyan. However, his relationship with his father began to take a strange turn as Osmon began to educate him more as a teacher rather than as a father, frustrating Oskar greatly. The two would often bicker, one such argument leading Oskar to unintentionally use a potent spell on Osmon, knocking the older man out. This incident made Oskar fear his own abilities and combat. Eventually Oskar began living on his own but after sometime he began to stir, yearning to go explore the world. This drive eventually makes him pack his bags and head towards Eorzea, after learning how much it was struggling after the calamity. Before arriving in to his destination, New Gridania, he first landed in Limsa Lominsa where he quickly helped assist the aftermath of a ship wreck. There he helps a large blue haired auri man from near death. After he finished helping those injured in the crash, he continued his journey off to New Gridania where he would settle in with working in the conjurer's guild.